One chapter at a time
Michael Hyatt recommends a template approach to writing your
chapters, and when we were writing Good Enough? we found this concept helped
shape our book. It goes something like
Opening quote to set the stage for topic to be covered.
Brief introduction to the topic – why included.
Stories to illustrate message
Learnings to be gleaned
Next steps for the reader
Now obviously it depends on what you are writing about, but
as a self-help book on getting over self-doubt, we found this formula worked
Chapter length
In her book Got your
Attention, Sam Horn talks about the length of your chapters. Basically she
advocates that less is more. We live in
a time when people are easily distracted and to keep their attention, you have
to keep the chapters short and sweet.
Ten pages is the maximum she recommends. This may mean leaving out some information
that you feel is important, but you can re-organize your chapters, or as she
shares, leave it out. Better to keep
the reader reading and wanting more, than to lose them early on.
Chapter titles
Think about what you look at before you buy a book. Usually it is the back cover blurb, and then
a flick through the content and chapter titles.
If the titles resonate with you – sold, you buy the book. It is therefore really important to come up
with catchy titles, ones that will convey what the chapter is about and will
have meaning to your potential reader.
This is not the time to be too cute however. You want your potential buyer to grasp easily
what the book is all about.
Your reader
Just a quick word about your reader. In working with authors at the beginning
stages of writing their books, I sometimes find that the reader is overlooked.
That first draft becomes more about the author and less about the reader. At some point, it will be important to give
more thought as to what your reader needs to know, how the reader is feeling
and what is helpful to the person reading your book. Consider your first draft then as cathartic –
it is all out there and then you can pick and choose the most relevant sections
to include in draft 2.
This post is part three of a series
on writing books by Anne Day, President of Full Circle Publishing and
author/editor of five books on Women and Entrepreneurship. Her next book,
co-authored with Amy Vodarek will be coming out in Spring, 2017
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